Materialize vs Bootstrap - Which frontend development framework is better for responsive design

January 25, 2022

Materialize vs Bootstrap - Which is better for responsive design?

If you are planning to create a responsive website, then you have probably come across two of the most popular frontend development frameworks - Materialize and Bootstrap. Both offer great features and assist in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. But, the question remains - which one is better?

To help you decide which framework to use, here's a detailed comparison of Materialize vs Bootstrap:


Materialize is a front-end development framework, just like Bootstrap. The CSS styles enable rapid development of clean, consistent, and responsive web designs with a clear API.

Bootstrap, on the other hand, is an open-source front-end development framework. Launched in 2011, the development kit assists you in creating responsive and mobile-first designs.

Features Comparison


Materialize is based on the Material Design visual language developed by Google. It offers responsiveness by utilizing CSS Flexbox methodology and offers screen-size-specific style classes. The framework is entirely responsive on all major devices.

Bootstrap offers excellent responsiveness with a mobile-first approach. It has an extensive grid system that offers a customizable layout with the ability to scale based on the device it is viewed on.

In terms of responsiveness, both frameworks have their strengths, making them suitable for creating responsive web designs.


Materialize is optimized for performance and offers faster rendering of web pages. The framework is lightweight, and has a smaller footprint when compared to Bootstrap. Materialize's intuitive CSS structure results in more stable and efficient websites.

Bootstrap, however, can slow the website's loading speed due to its large size. Due to its extensive functionality set, it adds to the website's space and takes longer to render.


Both the frameworks offer excellent customizability, and it depends on the user's requirements.

In Materialize, customizations are achieved through themes and Sass customization. This means that you can customize colors, fonts, and other design aspects as per your liking.

In Bootstrap, the customization process is also easy due to its in-built Sass compiler. The framework offers greater customizability for advanced users.


There is no one solution that fits all. Materialize and Bootstrap both have their strengths and weaknesses. It's up to you to decide which framework best suits your website development needs.

In summary, if you're looking for a framework with excellent performance, then Materialize is a better choice. On the other hand, if you need more extensive customizability options with robust documentation, Bootstrap might be the way to go.

We hope this comparison gave you a better idea of the two frameworks and which would be best suited for your project.


  1. Material Design vs Bootstrap

  2. Materialize Website

  3. Bootstrap Website

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